International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures
31 August - 3 September 2025
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Ships and Offshore Structures
Ships and Offshore Structures
Ships and Offshore Structures
is an international, peer-reviewed journal which provides an authoritative forum for publication and discussion of recent advances and future trends in all aspects of technology across the maritime industry.
The journal covers the entire range of issues and technologies related to both ships (including merchant ships, war ships, polar ships etc.) and offshore structures (floating and fixed offshore platforms, offshore infrastructures, underwater vehicles etc.) with a strong emphasis on practical design, construction and operation.
Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Maritime legislations, standards, recommended practices and education
Initial planning, concept design and contracting
Zero emission and decarbonisation
Multidisciplinary design optimisation (e.g., fluid-structure interaction and stability-crashworthiness interaction)
Large database and data-centric engineering (e.g., in-situ measurements of site-specific metocean data and in-service damage data)
Hydrodynamics and propulsion
Structures and materials
Limit states (e.g., ultimate limit states, serviceability limit states, fatigue limit states and accidental limit states)
Vibration and noise
Intact/damage stability and accidental flooding
Machinery and marine engineering
Ocean and environmental engineering
Renewable energy and technology
Safety design and engineering with extreme conditions and accidents
Quantitative risk assessment and management
Physical testing and validation
Impact engineering and crashworthiness
Construction, production and digital shipyards
Operation (e.g., operational records and manned/unmanned operations)
Digital healthcare engineering (e.g., health condition monitoring/assessment and repair for lifetime healthcare)
Sensing, actuation and control
Conversion and decommissioning
Arctic and polar engineering
Offshore and subsea engineering
Human factors engineering
Autonomous vessels and navigation
Alternative fuels, fossil-free vessels and technology
Machine learning, artificial intelligence and metaverse systems (e.g., digital twins, ICT and IoT)
Underwater soft robotic systems
Terrorist attacks and cyber security
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